Discover the wonders of the Lamu archipelago on a comfortable traditional dhow by gliding peacefully with the wind at sunset or embark on a sailing trip to Kinyaka rock or Manda Toto where colourful reefs await your discovery. Enhance your visit with an onboard meal and savour delicious lobsters and fish grilled on the deck with fresh chapatis and salad in the Swahili manner. High tide permitting, let yourself be guided through the mangrove channels of Manda Island to the romantic ruins of Takwa, where century-old baobab trees guard the entrance of an abandoned Swahili trading town from the 15th and 16th centuries, thought to have been populated by the ancestors of Shela.

Interrupt your relaxing moments with thrilling water sports activities such as paddle boarding, kayaking or water-skiing in the Channel of Manda. Take advantage of Shela’s great kite and windsurfing conditions by having lessons arranged for you or by renting equipment on the beach. For the good swimmers, you can hail a boat to escort you while attempting to swim across the channel from Shela to Manda or team up with other visitors you might meet at Peponi’s in the evening.

The beach of Shela is in itself a wonder of natural beauty with its 12 kilometres of unspoilt wilderness. Take a leisurely stroll from Waridi House which is located at the edge of the dunes, making it the perfect starting point to reach the beach for a mesmerising sunrise or late-afternoon dip in the warm ocean. For our younger guests, the silky beach of Manda offers calm shallow waters and a lovely view on some glorious tropical sunsets. The adventurous ones might want to take the very scenic beach hike from Shela to Kipungani, with the optional help from a very cute Lamu donkey. Take a moment to enjoy a refreshment or lunch there before peacefully sailing back to the haven of Shela.